
Expedition Mexico 26.2.-13.3.2011

Expedition Mexico 26.2.-13.3.2011

Summary 2010:
In 2010, the members of The Czech and Slovak Speleological Societies organized the 10th and 11th expedition to the Mexican peninsula of Yucatan, where they continued in the exploration of the extensive submerged cave system near the village of Chemuyil. The exploration started in 2003. Thanks to the fire, which almost deforested large part of the jungle last year, it was possible to discover 10 new cenotes in the area south of the K´oox Baal Cave so far known spaces. The cenotes were gradually surveyed and in four of them large next elongations were discovered. First, more than 2km in the Ha´as Kak Cenot and 1,5km in the Kot Be Cenot were revealed, and then linked together and attached to the K´oox Ball Cave. In the Sax Xib Cenot 1,5km were revealed and connected directly to the K´oox Baal Cave. The most significant discoveries were made in the Balam Ts´al Cenot, where large corridors reached the length of 3,6 km and were also connected to the K´oox Baal Cave. Its length thus reached 28,6km in spring 2010. On the second autumn expedition 2,3km more were discovered and and thus the total length of the K´oox Baal Cave system exceeded 30 km and so far it has stabilized at exactly 30,933m!

Yucatan expeditor in spring 2010 completed cave spaces which has already been discovered. Koox Baal reached 20 163m and Tux Kupaxa 15 596 m. In autumn Dan Hutňan adn Míra Manhart (memebers of Speleoaquanaut caving club) get other 2,5km.
Spring 2011 was in sign of linking these two cave systems. Dan H. and Radek Husák tried theri luck with specially adjusted sidemout in all „crawling spaces“ at the end of Koox Baal and Tux Kupaxa. They weren´t successful! In cooperation with ether members of the expedition continued with exploration in other parts of the caves. The result is terrific! Koox Baal cave system has 36.741m and Tux Kupaxa has 18.918m. We have also discovered other perspective tunnels leading to unexplored jungle. …so next expedition!

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