
Demanovska cave, annual celebration and Czech-Slovak 1:3

Demanovska cave, annual celebration and Czech-Slovak 1:3

18. - 20.5. 2012
We set out to Nízké Tatry (The Slovak Republic) again. This visit was liven up by the hockey match Czech against Slovak and by the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the local speleological club Demänovská dolina.

On Saturday and Sunday Daniel Hutňan, accompanied by the Czech and Slovak team, dived in the siphon in a part of the cave Demänovska – “evil cathedral”. He tried to revealed answers about the siphon and the sad mystery. One of the greatest cavers Vlado Žikeš dived in this siphon 28 years ago and unfortunately perished in there. From that time nobody have dived in the siphon until now.

During the first dive Daniel managed to map 100m. He admitted arduousness of the penetration after the dive. He had to overcome two complicated and treacherous restrictions. The depth of the siphon descended fluently. Coming back through on of the restrictions was really risky. The line had a tendency to slip down to a gap which was impossible to squeeze thought in the zero visibility. Daniel had to prepare and clean the way during the dive. He took away some old lines and placed only one fixed line.

After the second dive Daniel brought very treasured relic. It was a complete, well-preserved reel. The last person who carried this reel was deceased Vlado Žikeš 28 years ago.

Our other plans for this weekend were changed a little bit and we had to postpone the visit of the cave “Zlomiská” in Jánská valley to a later term.

Thanks to the less demanding program we could help to our Slovak colleagues with transportation of concrete transoms to an entry to the system of Demanovska. The entry is in a very steep hill so the transport was really a purgatory as you can see in the pictures… After that we went to a local pub to watch the hockey match between Slovaks and Czechs. Fortunately the Slovak´s team won, still DrKozel was ritually burned for warning!
Totally the action was successful and we have to thanks to our Slovak friends for their helpful social experience….

Our team: Dan, DrKozel, Mahony, Míra, RadekT

Tak takhle si tam žijem... :-) foto DrKNízké Tatry foto DrKDemanovské jeskyně, turistická část foto DrKDemanovské jeskyně, turistická část foto DrKVýzdoba foto DrKPekelný kotel, DrKozel by mohl jistě vyprávět... :-) foto DrKExpediční materiál... foto DrKTlakové lahve připravené pro Dana foto DrKPotápěč Dan a Mahony před ponorem do sifonu foto DrKNaviják Vlado Žikeša odpočíval v sifonu od osudného ponoru 28 let! foto DrKVýzdoba - brčka foto DrKPodzemní jezírka foto DrKDvanáctistupňový ležák chutná v divočině dvojnásob (zleva Míra, RadekT) foto DrKČesko-Slovensko 1:3 foto DrKSlovenští přátelé diskutují u nově připravovaného vstupu do podzemí foto DrKJeden betonový nosník váží přes 20 kg! Do prudkého kopce se tento baťůžek pěkně pronese foto DrKPomáháme i my,... foto DrK...ale dva betónky jsou rozumné maximum! :-)  foto DrKZasloužený odpočinek nosičů a nové logo Speleoaquanautu... foto DrKPředlouhou cestu domů nám zkracuje nesmrtelný Belmondo (pátý zleva :-) ) foto DrK

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